Marcia Oliver MSPT

Physical Therapist

Featuring the John F. Barnes approach to Myofascial Release

One Last Stop…

I’m not going to try to convince you.  It works.  I’m a PT and was at the end of my rope – until I found the John F. Barnes approach to Myofascial Release.  I’ve never looked back.  And, although I use my previous 20+ years of PT knowledge, THIS is all I practice now.

We can trade…

I’m old fashioned.  I don’t do insurance and most of my patients pay me in cash but I’m happy to intertain a trade.  I’m more interested in helping you find relief – a new life – new hope than I am turning you away – so, let’s talk…

Your Last Stop

If you’ve tried it all…
Now, try me…

I have no guarantees, however, I can offer hope that by releasing your fascial restrictions by engaging the collagen fibers of the fascial system (overlooked by every other western medical practice), we can release the pressure (up to 2000 lb/  on pain sensitive areas, relieve the pain and depression and re-build your body. 

The John F. Barnes approach is the missing link

I treat the entire body

Safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that last.

Tired of all the drugs, let's get to work

The Missing Link

“Traditional physical, occupational and massage therapy treats the symptoms caused by the pressure of the “straightjacket” of the Myofascial system, but does nothing about the “straightjacket” of pressure that causes and perpetuates the symptoms. This is why so many patients only have temporary results never seeming to get better with traditional therapy.”

Hands on Treatment

Each Myofascial Release Treatment session is performed directly on skin without oils, creams or machinery. This enables the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia.

Treatment options

Currently Treating Patients  At My Home In Poland, Indiana.

Or Maybe Your Home

Marcia has done Home Health Physical Therapy since 1994 and loves treating patients where they are most comfortable – in their homes! (Limited Availability)



Suggested Articles

Articles – Knowledge is Power and just, well, downright smart in this day and age. 

Follow the link for suggested articles to deepen your understanding of the John F. Barnes approach to Myofascial Release.

About Me

Marcia Oliver MSPT made her way to Tennessee by way of Poland, Indiana, and before that from Southern California after meeting her soul mate, Jim, on a mission trip in Nicaragua. A personal trainer, physical therapist, volunteer firefighter and EMT, skilled in the art of homesteading, an avid cyclist, and now a mommy, she remains most passionate about helping those in chronic pain with specialized Myofascial Release (MFR) treatment.

Having pursued 30+ full time years of combined physical therapy (Andrews University) and personal training (ACSM certified), she recently left the full time work world of corporate America, to pursue her passion for the John F. Barnes approach to Myofascial Release (MFR), the most effective form of treatment she has found to treat chronic pain.

Classes Completed:

Myofascial Mobilization x2
Myofascial Release 1 x2
Myofascial Release 2
Unwinding 1 & 2
Fascial Pelvis x2
Women’s Health
Cervical-Thoracic x2
Pediatric MFR
Myofascial Mobilization x2

What Is Fascia?

Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider’s web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.

Back Pain

Myofascial Release is extremely helpful in reducing back pain, restoring the motion and flexibility of the entire spine by treating the front and back three-dimensionally and the associated pelvis which is considered to be the foundation of the spine.

Tinnitis (Ringing in the Ears)

MFR decreases tightness of tissues of the head, face, and ear canal to restore proper alignment of the bones of the head and aid in draining fluid in the ear.


MFR decreases fascial restrictions throughout the body to re-gain optimal flexibility, improve energy levels, restore normal sleeping patterns, and resolve pain.

Headaches or Migraines

MFR decreases tightness and restores mobility of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord, restores optimal postural alignment, and alignment of the bones of the head to alleviate symptoms and prevent future occurrence of headaches and migraines.


MFR decreases tightness and spasm in the tissues surrounding the low back and bones of the spine to decrease compression of nerves and restore optimal postural alignment to eliminate symptoms.

Word Of Mouth

“Marcia was excellent – She made me feel comfortable and quickly and accurately identified the true source of my back pain and postural misalignment. I noticed improvement in my posture and reduction in my pain levels after the first treatment.  Not only was the myofascial release extremely beneficial, but Marcia’s observations and recommendations have led to changes I have made in my everyday posture and exercise routine. I regularly return for treatment and I am now consistently pain free. Even on a bad day, I am equipped with the knowledge and tools to bring myself back in alignment and reduce or eliminate my discomfort. I wholeheartedly recommend Marcia to anyone experiencing pain.”

N.D. Bloomington, Indiana

“Marcia’s MFR treatment is beneficial on several levels.  She evaluates how I am holding myself and approaches my needs from a diagnostic perspective, rather than just addressing what I think is the problem.  I have had countless massages by others and felt somewhat better afterwards, but this is very different.  Her work leaves me feeling completely relaxed and light.  Marcia’s touch is patient and soothing, which adds to my ability to relax.  She is present with me, not only physically, but also emotionally.  Her words are gentle and encourage me to open myself to the treatment without trying so hard.  Sometimes my emotions surface, and her response is kind, comforting., and therapeutic.  I also admire her integrity and commitment to her patients as well as to her community. “

S.C Patricksburg, Indiana

“I’ve been getting massage therapy on and off for about 7 years. I’m a big fan of body work, but found that even with regular massages my lower back pain never quite went away. About 1 year ago Marcia did a treatment to release my psoas. Apparently, I had a tremendous amount of tension held up in that area. My lower back pain significantly decreased after that session and it has not been as severe ever since. Really amazing work! I’m so glad she’s available in our area.”

J. P. Bloomington, Indiana

Online Coaching Resources

Find A Therapist

It’s an easy-to-use, online directory of therapists trained in the John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach®. These therapists have been trained to treat a wide variety of patients with myofascial problems in a comprehensive, effective, and caring manner. Each therapist is rated as a Novice, Intermediate, Advanced or Expert. The level of proficiency is based on completed seminars. The listings are by state and include contact information.

When looking for a therapist, take your time and ask questions. Find one that best suits your needs and has experience in addressing your specific concerns. Your therapist’s skills come from an investment and willingness to be their best both personally and professionally.

Study Groups

Find a John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Study Group.  Learn as a practitioner, a patient or a caregiver. 

Ready to Schedule an Appointment?

To schedule treatment, Contact me. Tennessee now allows you to receive physical therapy treatment for about 90 days before making a visit to your doctor.  If you should need more treatment beyond that, you may need a current order for physical therapy from your doctor. Your physicians order must have the following information.  This allows you to submit a claim to your insurance should you want reimbursement for treatment:

  • “Physical Therapy Eval and Treat”
  • ICD code(s) (Diagnosis code from the doctor)
  • Must be dated within 30 days of beginning treatment
  • Signed by your physicianContact me and we can discuss your options, questions and treatment availability and location.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Get Pain Relief Today!